Nov 21, 2024

Immigration update – Changes to INZ processing and AEWV requirements

Positive changes just announced by Immigration New Zealand – to combat some of the negative effects of their recent processing timelines.

These changes will assist with more efficient processing across the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) scheme.

What yesterday’s update means for employers dealing with Accreditation Applications or Renewals

  • Employers must still confirm that recruitment decision-makers have completed Employment New Zealand’s learning modules and also paid time has been given to migrant workers to complete them.
  • Evidence that the above modules have been completed however, is no longer required for applications as the declaration will now be sufficient.
  • Where INZ have concerns, they can still ask for more information – you need to be prepared for this. The types of questions employers are being asked varies greatly across sectors and operation types. Get in touch if you’d like a heads up on these questions so you can be prepared.

Visit our site for information on how to avoid ongoing Immigration New Zealand delays or declines.

Cap removed for Foreign Fishing Crew Visas

In the fishing industry, along with many other changes we are seeing, the latest change looks to be reversing policy from the previous government.

From 2 December 2024, the annual cap on foreign fishing crew eligible for the Fishing Crew Work Visa will be lifted.

What does this mean for employers in the fishing industry?

  • Employers can now recruit as many skilled overseas crew members as needed, provided they secure approval in principle from INZ for hiring seven or more crew for a single vessel.
  • This change addresses skill shortages, allowing vessels to operate with the workforce they need when New Zealand workers aren’t available.

If your business is affected by these changes, or you need help, Reach out to us to see how we can assist.


Nassim Lalehzari
Chief Commercial Officer – Visas
IAA License #201200100

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