Aug 29, 2024

Webinar: Addressing New Zealand’s Care Sector Tsunami – August 2024


New Zealand faces a shortfall of 8,000 aged care workers in the coming years, a critical challenge that demands immediate and strategic action. With 80 individuals turning 65 every day, our aging population will surpass one million within four years, further intensifying the strain on our healthcare system.

Our recent webinar featuring Hon. Tracey Martin, CEO of Aged Care Association NZ, was watched by hundreds of Kiwi employers in the healthcare sector and delved into the pressing challenges and strategies needed to address these workforce shortages.

Tracey highlighted the urgency for a coordinated government strategy, the importance of collaboration among all stakeholders, ensuring accurate information in key overseas markets, meeting worker expectations, and protecting our inbound workforce from exploitation. You can follow Hon. Tracey Martin on LinkedIn for her updates.

With New Zealand’s undeniable reliance on overseas workers, building a premier reputation to attract these skilled professionals is more important than ever.

Missed the webinar? Catch up on the discussion by viewing our recording.

If you want to learn more about our ethical pathway to find skilled offshore healthcare workers, get in touch with our Senior Licensed Immigration Adviser Sameena Jaspal and she can talk you through your options.


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