Addressing New Zealand’s Care Sector Tsunami

Working In New Zealand Webinar

Join industry leaders for a critical discussion on solving the pressing workforce challenges in New Zealand’s aged care sector.

Webinar Date: Wednesday 21 August 2024

Time: 11.00 am – 11:45 AM

Duration: 45 mins

New Zealand is facing a critical issue with its rapidly aging population, known as the ‘Grey Tsunami,’ which is creating an urgent demand for aged care services.

The country is experiencing a significant shortage of aged care workers, posing severe challenges to the healthcare system, economy, and overall community well-being.

Why attend:

Aged care Webinar New Zealand

  • Gain crucial insights into the looming shortage of 16,000 aged care workers needed in the next three years
  • Learn strategies to address the potential 12,000 bed shortfall in aged residential care by 2032
  • Discover innovative approaches to recruitment, retention, and workforce development
  • Explore solutions to combat high turnover rates and pay disparities in the sector.
Don’t miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of addressing one of New Zealand’s most pressing healthcare challenges. Reserve your place here.


Key topics of our live webinar:

1. Current state of NZ’s aged care workforce
2. Future projections and demands
3. Innovative recruitment and retention strategies
4. Government policies and support for the sector
5. International recruitment opportunities and visa processes

This webinar is essential for:

CEOs and CFOs of aged care facilities
HR managers in the healthcare sector
Policy makers and government officials
Healthcare providers


Working In Director Scott Mathieson

Scott Mathieson

Co-founder of Working In, Co-founder of Working In, Scott has over 25 years’ experience working with New Zealand businesses across all industries, to address and solve their skills shortages.

Working In New Zealand Team Member Sameena Jaspal

Sameena Jaspal

Licensed Immigration Adviser – Visas – India

Sameena, based in India and raised in New Zealand, pursued a career in recruitment and immigration, drawing from her migrant background. She has extensive experience in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand recruitment sectors.

Guest Speaker

Hon Tracey Martin

CEO, NZ Aged Care Association

Tracey held the offices of Minister for Seniors, Minister of Internal Affairs, Associate Minister of Education and Minister for Children from 2017 to 2020. As Minister for Seniors Tracey developed and launched the Better Later Life – He Oranga Kaumatua Strategy 2019 to 2034. During the same period as Associate Minister of Education with a keen focus on careers advice and enhancement combined with her role as the Minister for Internal Affairs Tracey spearheaded a funded pilot using local libraries to provide careers advice to post-secondary community members. Now as the Chief Executive of the New Zealand Aged Care Association Tracey is working across the sector to continue to raise the profile of this issue and ensure workable solutions are developed.