Oct 17, 2023

2023 Expo season – it’s a wrap!

It’s great to witness the resurgence of New Zealand in-person events and experience the unparalleled value of face-to-face connection. 

As the 2023 expo season comes to an end, we want to extend our thanks to everyone who visited our stands, came to hear us speak and engaged with our team. We’ve enjoyed every moment of this year’s expo season and the conversations we’ve had with Kiwi employers.

It was a privilege to be asked to speak at the BuildNZ, and Fine Food expos as well as the Crane, Hospitality, and SARNZ Conferences. We hope those attending learnt something new from our team.

If you’d like us to pay a visit to your organisation to educate your workforce on hiring or immigration matters, get in touch. We offer a range of options from C-Suite presentations to Employer wellbeing meetings outlining pathways to residency.

Skill shortages remain the primary theme across all industries and there’s no denying the nationwide impact of these. If you couldn’t make it to the events but are interested in connecting with our team or need support hiring or retaining international staff,  we are here to chat any time that suits you.

We put employers first 

For detailed information on how we can assist your business, please reach out to our team. We are here to help guide you through fast changing policy updates and hiring options.

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