Oct 13, 2022

Global Hospitality Attraction – what we do best


Here’s a quick update on how we manage to engage with hundreds of hospitality workers across the world, who are all committed to working and living here in New Zealand.

Over the last two weeks we have been on a global roadshow to Singapore, Doha Qatar, Dubai UAE and New Delhi India promoting hospitality jobs in New Zealand.

The quality of the candidates has been incredible! We have met internationally experienced Chefs, Cooks, Housekeepers and Food & Beverage Managers.

If you are interested in hiring some of these amazing, positive people, please get in touch as we are conducting interviews with employers throughout
New Zealand on a daily basis.

I can then send you some examples of the people we are talking to and you would be welcome to interview them.

Get in touch today

Presentation in Qatar

Seminar in Singapore


Josiah Taurua
Business Manager – Hospitality

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