Jun 16, 2023

Immigration Update — Health and Transport roles added to the Green List

In an effort to enhance the healthcare and transportation sectors, Immigration New Zealand has recently announced significant updates to the Green List. Employers will need to be aware of these key changes and requirements in order to support employee residence and upcoming two-year ‘work to residence’ pathways for selected roles.

Transport Sector Green List Roles —

Starting from 29 September 2023, a two-year work to residence pathway will be available for selected transport roles. This initiative aims to address the shortage of skilled professionals in the transport industry.

The following roles (along with their ANZSCO codes) are eligible for this pathway:

  1. Bus Driver (731211)
  2. Truck Driver (733111)
  3. Aircraft Refueller (733112)
  4. Furniture Removalist (733113)
  5. Tanker Driver (733114)
  6. Tow Truck Driver (733115)
  7. Deck Hand (899211)
  8. Ship’s Master (231231)

Health Sector Roles on the Green List —

As part of the recent update, 32 additional health sector roles have been included in the Green List. This expansion aims to address the growing demand for skilled healthcare professionals in New Zealand. These roles include not only healthcare positions but also critical roles in social services, education, and justice that contribute to the overall healthcare industry in New Zealand.

Key note – Employers seeking to hire individuals in Green List occupations do not need to advertise the position before applying for a job check if the applicant meets the Green List requirements. This streamlined process facilitates efficient recruitment and candidate selection for employers.

How we can help —

The expansion of the Green List and the introduction of the two-year work to residence pathway in the transport sector demonstrate New Zealand’s commitment to addressing skills shortages and enhancing its healthcare and transportation industries.

For detailed information and an assessment on your employee’s eligibility to apply for the appropriate visa, please reach out to our team. We are here to assist you and provide expert, comprehensive guidance.


Hamneet Jaggi
Corporate Services Manager – Visas
IAA License #201500559

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