May 10, 2023

Immigration New Zealand extends accreditation period for Accredited Employers

A quick update for you below, around accreditation extensions.

The New Zealand government has extended Accredited Employer Work Visas (AEWV) from 12 months to 24 months to provide employers with greater stability.

What does the extended accreditation period mean?

Previously, an AEWV lasted only 12 months, requiring reapplication. Now this visa will last 24 months, providing accredited employers with more stability and enabling them to focus on their core business, rather than accreditation renewals.

I am already accredited. What changes for me?

Nothing. Accredited employers will receive automatic 24-month extensions from their original approval date. Updates to new expiry dates will appear in Immigration Online by June 2, 2023.

The INZ extension aims to:

  • Encourage more employers to participate in the accreditation system
  • Help fill New Zealand’s skills gap by making it easier for accredited employers to hire skilled international workers
  • Support employers and workers as part of the government’s efforts to address the skills shortage

Important dates:

  • Accreditation applications approved before 4 July 2023 get 24-month visas.
  • Applications after 4 July 2023 still get initial 12-month visas.

Need Support with AEWV or hiring from overseas?

If you need people for your business or need help with immigration strategy and accreditation, we are here to assist. With 25 years’ experience and the largest team, of employer facing immigration advisers in New Zealand, our team ensure a seamless process. Take the stress away from your organisation and give us a call today.


Hamneet Jaggi
Corporate Services Manager – Visas
IAA License #201500559

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