Nov 1, 2023

Retaining your international health workforce – Solutions for NZ Employers (Webinar)

Thank you to those who joined our recent webinar focused on retaining your international healthcare workforce in New Zealand’s Aged Care sector.

As discussed in the webinar, NZ faces significant challenges across the sector that require a multi-layered approach including government funding and support.

As we know, the shortage of health workers is a global problem but the attraction of skills is only one of the issues. Strategies to retain your workforce are becoming even more critical. Developing a long-term plan including a focus on ethical recruitment and immigration strategy are just some of the solutions that your business can adopt to help retain your workforce and mitigate some challenges.

To find out how we can partner with your business to assist with ethical recruitment and retention of talented workers, click below and we will be in touch to arrange a no obligation assessment of your needs.

Ultimately, we are here to support you and together, provide the best health service to New Zealanders.

Register with us to get access to our webinars & updates.


Robyn Ancell
Recruitment Consultant – Health

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